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Black and Purple Tomatoes
Heirloom Varieties

So called Black Tomatoes are actually Purplish/pink ranging to brick red with green gel inside. Flavor ranges from balanced acid/sugar taste to a more acidic robust flavor. Some of the best tasting tomatoes are "Black Tomatoes"!

The following varieties are available this season:




Black Cherry.  65 days. Indeterminate.  A small round cherry with classic black tomato flavor.  Sweet yet rich and complex.  Tall, vigorous plants.

Chocolate Cherry. 70 days.Indeterminate. Deep wine-red 1 inch fruits that don't crack. Pick and let finish ripening on the counter. 

Chocolate Sprinkles. 60 days. Indeterminate. Disease resistant. Grape shaped with light green stripe on a dark brick red color. 

 Black Krim.  Indeterminate. 80 days.  Fruits are a dark, deep brown-red with green shoulders. Interior is a deep, reddish-green color.  Sweet and tasty.  Early maturing 12 oz. fruits.  Fruit sets well even when the weather turns hot.  Russian heirloom.

Black Brandywine Large, beefsteak size.  Purplish pink with delicious taste and potato leaves.

 Cherokee Purple.  80 days.  Indeterminate.  Very productive plants with loads of 10-12 oz. dusky rose/purple fruit with deep red interiors.  They are absolutely delicious with a sweet and rich taste.  Heirloom from Tennessee.

 Dana's Dusky Rose.  80 days. Indeterminate.  After growing it for many years now we still love it.  Medium size with a good acid / sugar balance. Still a Dana's favorite.

Paul Robeson: a rich complex taste which has won best tasting awards. Brick red like Black Krim.